MilanoCam is an open project providing webcams and weather live from Milano.
Meteo Milano Cadorna - Weather Milan

 - temperature: 12.9 C
 - local pressure: 993.71 mb
 - humidity: 55%
 - rainfall today: 0.00 mm
 - wind: 0 km/h - ESE
 - graphs: daily - weekly

Meteo Milano Cadorna - Weather Milan
Real time temperature, humidity, pressure, wind and rain from Milano - Cadorna (via V.Monti 41, lat. 45 28'25'' N - lon. 9 10'15'' E).

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Real time temperature, humidity, pressure, wind and rain
from Milano - Cadorna (via V.Monti 41, lat. 45°28'25'' N - lon. 9°10'15'' E).
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Milan weather, updated on 25/4/24 at 20:41

Temperature 12.9°C Min today 7.1°C at 6:39 Max today 14.6°C at 15:49
Humidity 55% Min today 46% at 16:51 Max today 89% at 6:24
Pressure local 993.71mb Min today 992.00mb at 0:00 Max today 994.81mb at 11:28
Pressure sea-level 1008.20mb Min today 1006.48mb at 0:00 Max today 1009.32mb at 11:28
Wind speed 0km/h from Min today 0km/h at 0:00 Max today 27km/h at 13:24
Wind gust 10km/h Min today 0km/h at 0:00 Max today 29km/h at 13:24
Rainfall today 0.00mm (rate 0.0) Monthly 96.27mm - Yearly 708.91mm Max rate today 0.000mm/h at

Dew point 4.1°C Min today 2.0°C at 0:34 Max today 6.3°C at 11:40
Wind chill 12.9°C Min today 5.5°C at 7:20 Max today 14.6°C at 15:49
Heat index 13.6°C Min today 10.1°C at 6:37 Max today 15.1°C at 15:49

MilanoCam collabora con il Centro Meteorologico Lombardo
visualizza la carta della Lombardia con tutti i valori in diretta
Dati in diretta della Lombardia

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